Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Read the full Athletic Policy via the Menu to the left.

Read the full Work Duty Policy via the Menu to the left.


Roles & Responsibilities

Safety and Liability concerns require that a QAS adult is in the building to assume responsibility anytime the gym is open.

The following fees apply for CYC sports (pricing subject to change)

Notice: High School sports are different than the youth program and the multi-child discount does not carry over into high school.


Click the button below to pay registration fee:

In order to keep our fees as low as possible, the Queen of All Saints Activities Association has adopted the following refund policy:

To coach in the CYC Program the following CYC mandated requirements must be completed before the roster turn-in date. *

Please be advised, according to our Work Duty Policy, you are responsible for checking to see if your work duty has been cancelled due to a rainout.  

Rainouts – It is YOUR responsibility to find out if your shift has been cancelled due to inclement weather by calling the rainout number or checking the website for field availability. If your shift has been cancelled due to this reason, AND your shift has not yet begun (i.e. you have not reported and signed the sign-in sheet), you will automatically be placed in a rainout pool for assignment at a future date and you will be notified. Once assigned, the ’30 day rule” and “no-show penalty” are in effect.

You can do this by checking the Field Availability web page HERE.


Concession Work Duty No-Show


Uniform Fees

 Click here to pay the $75.00 fee for Baseball, Soccer, Softball, Golf, Volleyball, and Lacrosee uniforms that have not been returned.

This is NOT for CYC sports registrations.
