Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Friday, 13 December 2013 13:02

High School CYC Sports Registration


CYC High School teams are separate from our CYC Youth (PK-8th) program and thus are handled differently.  Please read, then click register button at bottom of page.

CYC HS Guidelines

All teams must be sponsored by a religious entity.  Many teams are formed with a few players from the sponsoring parish with the rest of the players being their friends from high school.  Because of the many activities in which high school students are involved, it is recommended that you have more players on your roster than you would normally want. All of the same CYC requirements still apply for players and coaches as did in the youth program.  See CYC site  for more information.

QAS Activities Association HS Rules

  • NO work duty obligations for HS (work duty only applies to our Youth program).
  • A HS coach is NOT exempt from work duty in our youth program.
  • The multi-child discount is distinct in each program;  Youth and HS. It does NOT carry over from Youth to HS.  Example, two or more children in Youth is eligible for discount in THAT program, and two or more in HS is eligible for discount in THAT program as well.  But two or more in Youth and only one in HS would receive discount in Youth, no discount in HS. 
  • QASAA will supply the uniform (t-shirts) for all players, or the coach can coordinate with our uniform department to see if a set of uniforms are available (Youth programs filled first)
  • QASAA will attempt to supply the practice facility with some restrictions.  Availability is only determined once the Youth teams have been accommodated.  Late practice slots must be chosen to allow flexibility to our youth program should they need to switch days. Late typically starts around 8pm.  As it pertains to the gymnasium for volleybal and basketball, facilities are in high demand and practice times cannot be guaranteed.  Once youth teams are assigned practice slots, the facility coordinator will then work with HS to find available times.
  • (Basketball only) There is no Lay Director to form or govern the forming of teams.  Coaches form their own teams through recruiting.
  • (Basketball only) Coaches must register their TEAM on the CYC site themselves.
  • Families pay the individual registration fees, the Activities Association will pay the CYC fees.


Typically someone steps up, most likely a coach from last season 8th grade, and forms a team by sending out invites to former players and/or friends of those players from other schools. Once a coach is decided, he or she should send their perspective players to this page in order to register and pay here. The Registration Administrator will make available to coaches all details of all who signed up. All players regardless of Parish must register and pay via our online system.


Baseball/Softball SOCCER Volleyball Basketball
For Volleyball, please contact Rick Czupon
Last modified on Tuesday, 09 July 2019 21:24

This is NOT for CYC sports registrations.
