Queen of All Saints
Knights of Columbus / QASAA
24th Annual
3rd Grade Basketball Tournament
Boys and Girls Divisions – 16 teams per division
Dates: February 28 - March 11, 2022
Queen of All Saints
Limbach Hall
6603 Christopher Rd, 63129
Two game guarantee – up to five games may be possible
Tournament tee shirts for all participants
Trophies awarded for Championship & Consolation Rounds
Player Introductions Prior to Every Game
$160.00 Entry fee payable online
Roster AND payment, must be received on or before Feb 14, 2022.
For More Information contact
Eric Depke at 314-373-0755 or email nddepke@hotmail.com
Michael Schmidt @314-401-4997 or schmidt2638@gmail.com
Sponsored by the
Queen of All Saints Knights of Columbus and QAS Athletic Association
All Tournament information will be available via this site, including schedules, scores and pictures. Check back on the home page as we near the tournament date.
When are the games scheduled?
Games are scheduled as follows:
Mon Feb 28th – 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM Boys 1st round games
Tues March 1st - 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM Boys 1st round games
Wed March 2nd – No Games (unless weather rescheduled)
Thurs March 3rd - 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM Boys 1st round games, Girls 1st round
Fri March 4th - 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM Girls 1st round games
Sat March 5th – 9:00 AM to 10:00 PM Girls 1st, 2nd round, Boys 2nd round
Sun March 6th – 1:00 PM to 9:00 PM Boys & Girls 2nd round, Boys 3rd round
Mon March 7th – 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM Boys and Girls 3rd round
Tue March 8th - 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM Boys and Girls 3rd round
Wed March 9th – No Games (unless weather rescheduled)
Thurs March 10th - 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM 3rd Place and Consolation Finals
Fri March 11th – 6:00 PM to 9:45 PM 3rd Place and Championship Finals
What if I have a scheduling conflict? Turn in any Conflicts during your team registration. Email any additional conflicts to the tournament director prior to scheduling; scheduling will begin 2 weeks before the tournament starts. DO NOT ASK FOR ENTIRE WEEKEND OF MAR 5-6 OFF as we cannot accommodate.
Where can I find more information about the tournament?Visit www.qasaa.org
How is the tournament structured? We try and make up competitive brackets of sixteen teams. First round winners will advance to a Champions Flight Bracket. First round non-winners will enter a Consolation Flight Bracket. All teams will play at least two games. The tournament, consolation champions & runners up will receive trophies.
Will I get more information after I register? Yes. Each Head Coach will receive an email before the tournament outlining particulars. The coach may forward the info to parents and other coaches.
May I register more than one team?Yes. Any parish may register more than one team per grade. However, you may not duel roster any players. Players found on duel rosters or playing on multiple teams will result in team forfeits. We require legitimate CYC rosters, i.e. stamped and/or signed by the District Basketball Chair.
May I register now and pay by check?Yes, but we prefer you pay online. However, for those with parish AA’s who provide the check you should apply online at www.qasaa.org, print the registration and mail the completed registration along with your check. Make sure you place the team name on your check before mailing it in. Checks should be made out to Queen of All Saints Activities Association.