Friday, December 13, 2024
Friday, 25 May 2012 14:33

Soccer Referees

Soccer Referees Wanted:

Queen of All Saints Activities Association is looking for soccer referees.

Games will be assigned according to age and experience.

Must be 12 years old by September 1 to referee U-5/U-6 Development Games, and 13 years old by September 1 to referee CYC games.

The process consists of the following steps:

  1. Take a test
  2. Submit CYC Forms
  3. Attend a CYC Soccer Officials Meeting
  4. Attend a 2 hour QAS Officials training session


1) Take the CYC Soccer official’s TEST ( CLICK HERE)



2) Fill out and turn in the following REQUIRED CYC forms


If Under 18

If 18 and Over

Officials Data Sheet

Code of Ethical Conduct for Youth  
Print and fill out last page only.

  1. Code of Ethical Conduct .  
    Print and fill out last page only.
  2. Attend a Protecting God's Children class ( schedule ).
  3. Must have a current background check. See step 1 of CYC Coaching Requirements if needed and for more information.
3) Attend CYC Officials’ meeting


CYC will hold four meetings at a South County Parish in July. The dates and times for these meetings will be posted on the website: Soccer Officials. You must attend one of these three courses. Each meeting has lasted approximately 2 hours in the past. This is mandatory and in addition to the requirement of attending a QAS referee training (below). 


Saturday     7/27/2019 9:00 - 11:00 AM   SMMA Cafeteria
Saturday 8/3/2019 9:00 - 11:00 AM Immaculate Conception - Arnold Parish Room A
Tuesday 8/6/2019 6:30 - 8:30 PM St. Simon Cafeteria


4) Attend Queen Officials Training

A QAS Referee Camp will be held and the date/time will be communicated to registered referees at the appropriate time. Contact Chad Louis directly if you have a question about this.  

Required for ALL referees.

Date, Time and Location TBD.

Duration is 2 hours.

5) All officials (umpire, referee, scorekeeper, etc) must join the Catholic Youth Council Sports Association and purchase the insurance to be eligible to officiate during the sports season.  Click here to pay for the insurance.

A new system will be in place for both assignments and payment.  Registered referees will receive the appropriate communications.

The Season will begin mid to late August and run through early November.  Queen has games on Thursday and Friday nights, Saturday morning & some afternoons, and Sunday afternoon.


Chad Louis

Last modified on Thursday, 18 July 2019 19:27

This is NOT for CYC sports registrations.
